“Knowledge of languages is the doorway to wisdom” – Roger Bacon.

English is an important criterion necessary in shaping child’s future. Here at Prakash Public School, the faculty of English is dedicated towards developing children’s language skills. We begin the training of Language and Literature with the listening skills. We have smart boards with integrated speaker systems in classrooms which are used for language audio training. It includes word pronunciations, intonation, etc. The teachers approach the learning methodology in a very sophisticated way. We inculcate in students the habit of speaking English in the campus.

We believe that learning English is very important in today’s modern era as it is an international language and also an impeccable part of development and technology. We have a voluminous library with some of the greatest literary works stacked. We encourage students to spend time in the library and help them choose books to read. We provide them time for leisure reading too.

The faculty strives to keep in pace with the latest teaching pedagogy by attending workshops and seminars. The team works together and hence that is the secret of the success of the department.


Issac Newton, Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, CV Raman, Marie Curie, Stephen Hawking, etc. some of the greatest names in the field of physics. We too can help children to bring out their inner Einsteins, Newtons and Hawkings.

Creative minds need creative teachers. The Physics department at Prakash Public School is an epitome of creativity and practicality. Every student tends to remain in the state of ignorance or wrong notion until an external motivational push acts upon them. And the motivational drive in students is directly proportional to the impressed encouragement and acts in the direction of positivity. The department, as a single team, works constantly towards developing curiosity in students to learn more and explore more. The teachers act enthusiastically so that children too will inculcate enthusiasm, because we know that every action has an equal and opposite reaction.


Student + Teacher Child’s bright future + Development of Nation

Chemistry is an irreplaceable branch of science in today’s modern world. Many of the major achievements in this field are responsible in saving lives. Chemistry is a vast branch and still there is lot to explore.

The department of Chemistry at Prakash Public School has proved to be successful in helping students ace this subject and also inspire them to pursue a career in this field. The department has a very well-equipped laboratory for practical lessons and demonstration of experiments. We give our students all the chance to innovate and explore in the field of Chemistry.


Science is a subject which students are always inquisitive about. To enhance their interest about this subject, we have split the department into three sections: Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

The biology department at Prakash Public School is one of the most advanced departments in the district. We have the best teachers and a well-equipped laboratory for students’ development in this field of science.

The teachers of biology conduct regular practical sessions in botany and zoology, organize various class tests and conduct regular PowerPoint presentations for a more colourful and three-dimensional learning.


Social Science is one of the most important subjects in any school. The faculty of Social Science are always updated with the latest happenings of the world and hence are successful in providing students with the best and the latest information related to the subject.

We have a well-equipped Social Science Laboratory with a smart board and good internet speed. Students are always acquainted with the latest updates from various sources. The faculty members have attended various Social Science Workshops and seminars and have kept themselves updated.


Prakash Public School has always been the champions in State, District and Taluka Level Sports Competitions. The faculty of sports at PPS has made students undergo effective training in their respective sport. Every year, we organize the PPS Annual sports to choose the best sportsmen. We celebrate National Sports Day by having friendly matches among teachers and students. We have been the host of Maharashtra State Level Volleyball Competition. We are thankful to our founder Shri. Nishikant Bhosale-Patil (Dada) for providing students and teachers all the necessary opportunities to conduct all the sports activities.


The Computer department is one of the largely equipped departments with the latest computer and network systems. The Computer Laboratory is equipped with a high speed internet and the faculty makes sure that children utilize the equipment with utmost interest and respect.

We are helping our students strengthen their digital wisdom to face the ever- growing world of technology. We train the students in MS-Office, Database handling and a special training in hardware and networking.


Art is the language that words cannot speak.

Art is an irreplaceable part of life. Some of them are blessed with the inner talent of painting, sculpting, writing, etc. The art faculty at PPS helps children to explore what they are good at and what are their strengths and weakness. Each child is blessed.

Children are trained in various forms of arts and crafts – drawing, painting, face painting, clay-moulding, photography, rangoli, flower decoration, etc. The department proved to be most successful in interschool competitions.